This organization is 13340422 Canada Foundation
Our mission is to empower and educate entrepreneurs with tools, strategies and resources to create thriving, profitable and sustainable podcasts & companies to share their message.

Educational Resources

The programs and resources provided are specifically designed to empower people to create thriving, profitable and sustainable podcasts & companies to share their message.

Podcast Show Notes Best Practices

Since podcasts are designed to be consumed audibly, many podcasters feel that there is no real benefit in spending time creating written content to complement the audio content they create.

However, episode show notes are actually an important part of the podcasting process and your podcast’s success. Show notes allow you to go into greater detail about the topic of the episode and add more value to your listeners with visual and written content. They also help you be found by new audiences who are searching for the information you share on your podcast. You’ll learn the podcast show notes best practices that you can use right now .

How to Create the Best Podcast Content

Why most podcast content strategies don’t convert to high ticket sales, and how can you avoid this huge mistake? Are you struggling to keep your coaching clients engaged and seeing results?

If you're a high ticket coach or consultant who feels like you're not attracting the right leads, this is for you. You'll learn the importance of content strategy and the difference between a level 1 and level 10 client. Plus, you’re going to learn about the content bridge strategy for determining and attracting your ideal clients.

The Secret Formula On How To Grow Your Podcast Show

You’re trying to grow your business by using social media but you’re not seeing the results you want. You’ve been told to post regularly, use hashtags, and run paid ads but it’s not working.

A secret formula that you might need to learn is Visibility Growth Hacking. It is a little-known strategy that top podcasters are using to get in front of their ideal clients. With this strategy, you can get the visibility, engagement, and leads you've been wanting. If you implement this strategy, you might see that your podcast listenership will double or even triple. Visibility growth hacking is all about knowing who your ideal client is and going where they are. You’ll learn the steps you need to follow to increased visibility, more engaged followers, and more leads.